Monday 3 June 2013

Doting Grandmother to be checking in

My first grandchild is due at the end of August. I'm jumping the gun rather starting this blog now, but I'm already writing about baby stuff on my other pages, so I thought I'd start to get organised.

Babies are going to be hot news this summer. That's a little trivial I know, but with a Royal Baby on the way in July, we'll be getting more than our fair share of baby news this year.

HRH Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, is the same age as me. His birthday (14 November ) is the same as my late father's, and we are both expecting our first grandchild this summer- we have a lot in common. I don't suppose that HRH's first reaction to being told the news was the same as mine "Wow, that's great....I must start knitting". More likely it was "mmm jolly good, a new heir to the throne. That means Harry is out of the running..."

If you think you might find this blog interesting, amusing, informative even, why not bookmark it and return at some later date when I've spruced it all up?